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Step-by-Step类的文章与How to类有一定的相似之处,有时候在标题中会一起使用。在文章内容层面,How to类倾向于在开头直击读者痛点,而Step-by-Step类的文章则侧重于兜售梦想,突出“只要你按照这些步骤,就会……”。


① How to Write Articles in Just 7 Steps

② 7 Steps to Driving Your Parents Absolutely Insane

例文:(注意与How to类的区别在哪里)

Marketing on YouTube: How to Promote Your YouTube Videos with Article Marketing in 4 Steps


YouTube videos instantly turned William Sledd, a Gap store manager in Paducah, KY into the hottest style guru on the Internet. Now with almost 60,000 subscribers and millions of views this YouTube blogger turned Internet celebrity is the owner of the fourth most popular channel on YouTube. He has a growing coterie of famous friends and development deals in the works with mainstream media outlets like NBC. He has even come into the status of beginning his own website and t-shirt company.

Sledd is not a computer geek. He is not an Internet Marketing guru. He is just a normal, small-town person his audience can relate to. You too, can become an Internet Celebrity and sell more books, products and services using YouTube, when you follow my Internet promotion strategies below.


My Fool-Proof Plan to Generating Instant Buzz for Your YouTube Videos with Article Marketing

Step 1:  Create an Article That Grabs Readers’ Interest

Once you have uploaded your videos to YouTube, you must heavily promote your videos if you want to sell more books, products and services online. One of the most effective ways to broadcast your message is by writing articles related to your videos and submitting them to the top article directories, websites and ezines that accept articles.

While writing your articles keep in mind that the best result-producing articles are the ones that provide unique, high quality content that solves at least one piece of a problem puzzle. However, to convert readers to buyers, you must not give the reader all of the answers to the “HOW” to solve a particular problem. Instead you want to tease them with some of the how and top it off with the why it’s important.

Step 2: Turn Readers into Prospects With a Strong Call for Action and an Offer They Can’t Refuse

At the end of your article, you can promote yourself and attract visitors to your YouTube video page with a bio box. This is where most article marketers make the fatal mistake of failing to encapsulate the essence of what makes you and your offering unique. For example, they may write something like:

Blah Blah, is a keynote speaker, seminar leader and author. She has spoken in 26 countries on four continents. She is president of Yada Dada, Las Vegas. Check out her YouTube video at___________

Technically there is nothing wrong — except it is BORING.

You need to stimulate people to visit your website immediately. Otherwise, they will forget you are alive five minutes later. Here’s an example bio box for you to model:

Fitness Expert, Craig Ballantyne helps millions of busy moms lose fat while gaining muscle with just 3 short workouts a week. Watch his new YouTube Video at _________ and discover 3 new turbulence training excercises that will help you burn belly fat now! And as a special bonus, you’ll receive a FREE special offer to receive Craig’s Controversial Fat Loss Report revealing the most common exercise myths that are sabotaging your fat loss efforts.

Doesn’t this make you want to go visit Craig’s YouTube video right away?

Step 3: Submit your articles to the top article directories to build links and improve your search engine optimization.

Just like your website, to increase your YouTube Video page’s search ranking on Google, you must increase the number of inbound links to the page. The higher you climb in search results the more unique visitors you will get.

By submitting articles to the top article directories like EzineArticles.com, you will instantly receive a guaranteed link to your YouTube page as long as you follow each directory’s specific editorial guidelines.

Step 4: Submit your articles to the top, targeted websites and ezines that accept article submissions in your niche.

For best results and to climb higher in search engine rankings you can’t just have any link. You must have links on high-trafficked websites with high Google Page Rankings and high Alexa Traffic Rankings. Plus, by placing your articles on highly-competitive, targeted websites like About.com, instead of just second tier article directories that will publish anyone’s articles, you will win trust in the hearts and minds of your targeted audience before they even see your YouTube video.

Follow these tips, and you will drive traffic to your YouTube video pages and create an instant buzz so you can become an Internet celebrity and sell more books, products and services online.

英文文章模板2(Step-by-Step类):目前有1 条留言

  1. 坚持跑 : 2016年03月21日09:28 回复

    感觉英文还不错,但是一写文章就卡住 真是硬伤啊


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