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Warning: Use of undefined constant smart_ads_days - assumed 'smart_ads_days' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/welovelead.net/wp-content/plugins/smart-ads/smartads.php on line 341







PHP environment to build the local environment has a lot of integrated software can be used, such as Wamp and phpstudy, etc., but the personal preference wamp.
What is the significance of the establishment of the local? For us, the greatest significance is in the local testing the infinite variety of WP themes and plugins, in the selection of the theme is especially useful. In addition, for web designers, design good web page effects immediately visible without trouble to page to upload to the server.
Has been using the wampserver2.2e version, the version integrates httpd2.2.22, php5.3.13, mysql5.5.24. download address:
Password: zd4y
Installation is needless to say, with other software installation process is no different. The only thing is that I am used to install Wamp to disk root directory, such as D:wamp or C:wamp.
After the successful installation, will see the icon in the lower right corner of the screen:
Picture 1
Yuncheng program, the beginning of this icon is red, and then become yellow, and finally turned green, when it is green, that is, MySQL PHP environment has been set up.
Left click the icon, appear below:
Picture 2
Localhost: click will open the local server root directory. You – Wamp installation directory, for example, is C:wamp, so local server root directory is C:wampwww. habits, I if you want to in the local site, in the WWW directory create a new directory for storing site.
PhpMyAdmin: This is the management of MySQL database where the. For example, you want to install WordPress program or other CMS program in the local, then you need to first come here to build a database, and then enter the corresponding database information in the installation.
Several other temporary use is not, do not start here.
Local build WordPress site:
1 download the WordPress program.
Chinese wp:https://cn.wordpress.org/;
English wp:https://wordpress.org/download/
2 decompression to download the WP program, copy and extract all the files.
3 to create a directory in the wampwww directory, the directory name is best not to use Chinese. Here, if you assume that the directory is wampwwwtest
4 copy of the file you just 2 paste into the wampwwwtest directory
5 click the Wamp icon in the lower right corner of the screen, and then click phpMyAdmin to open the phpMyAdmin page, and then create a new name for the test database, as shown below:
Picture 3
Note: at this point the default database user name is root, the password is empty, with all permissions. Of course, you can also create a new user assigned to the test database.
6 click the screen right corner – Wamp icon, click the localhost and in open the page click just created a new directory “test”, or directly in the browser input http://localhost/test, after opening as shown in the figure below, began to enter the WP installation process. Their own according to the needs of the language choice words.
Picture 4
7 I am in the demonstration process with the English WP program, so the following installation steps are also in English
Picture 6
8 set database information
Picture 7
Picture 8
9 set site information
Picture 5
10 installation success, landing can be
Picture 9
How to quickly and easily test the theme and plug-ins it?
In the example above, the theme folder folder in wampwwwtestwp-contentthemes. Download the theme of general is ZIP format, such as 123.zip. Decompression of the obtained “123” folder. To copy the “123” folder to wampwwwtestwp-contentthemes can. Then in the website backstage > appearance > theme is can see the new addition to the theme.
Plugins are similarly. Download the plugin is generally the. ZIP format, such as 456.zip. Decompression, get “456” folder. To copy the “456” folder to wampwwwtestwp-contentplugins can. Then in the background, the plug-in can be seen newly added in parts.
Picture 10



build PHP environment with wamp in localhost and create wordpress websites

there are many compositive softwares which can be used to build PHP environment in localhost, such as Wamp and phpstudy, etc., but the personal preference is wamp.
What is the significance of creating websites in localhost? For us, the greatest significance is that we can test any WP themes and plugins in localhost, and we can choose favorite theme before we upload the themes to our web hosting. In addition, for web designers, the designed web pages can be seen immediately instead of uploading the pages to the web hosting.
I Has been using the wampserver2.2e version for long, the version integrates httpd2.2.22, php5.3.13, mysql5.5.24.

download address:Http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2JlZKO
the installation process of wamp has no different with other software. The only thing is that I used to install Wamp to root directory, such as D:wamp or C:wamp.
After the successful installation, will see the icon in the lower right corner of the screen:
Picture 1
At the beginning, this icon is red, and then become yellow, finally it turned green.when the icon is green, MySQL+PHP environment has been set up.
Click the icon, below pic appears:
Picture 2
Localhost: click it,and local server root directory will be opened. for example,wamp is installed in C:wamp, local server root directory is C:wampwww. I used to create new directory for new websites in “www” directory .
PhpMyAdmin: This is the place where we can manage MySQL database. For example, you want to install WordPress or other CMS in localhost, then you need to first create a database here, and then enter the related database information in the installation process.
Other items is not essential now ,so we ignore them.
Build WordPress site in localhost:
1 download the WordPress program.
English wp:https://wordpress.org/download/
2 extract the downloaded wp program and copy all the extracted files.
3 create a new directory in wamp\www directory. Let`s name the new directory for “wamp\www\test”Here.
4 copy the files of step 2 to wamp\www\test

5 click the Wamp icon in the lower right corner of the screen, and then click “phpMyAdmin” to open the phpMyAdmin page, and then create a new database which name is test, as shown below:
Picture 3
Note: the default username of database is root, the default password is empty, and the user “root” has all permissions. Of course, you can also create a new user assigned to the “test” database.
6 click the Wamp icon in the lower right corner of the screen, and then click the “localhost “ and click the “test” directory in the opened page, or you can input http://localhost/test directly in the browser.As shown below, we begin to install wordpress. Chose language as your need.
Picture 4
7 this demonstration process uses English

Picture 6
8 input database information
Picture 7
Picture 8
9 set up site information
Picture 5
10 installation has been successful, you can login to the wp dashboard now
Picture 9
How to test themes and plugins quickly and easily?
For the example above, the theme folder is wamp\www\test\wp-content\themes. Themes Downloaded from the internet is generally .zip format, such as 123.zip. extract 123.zip and copy “123”  folder. copy the “123” folder to wamp\www\test\wp-content\themes. Then you can find the new theme in the dashboard → appearance → theme.
Plugins testing is similarly. Plugins downloaded from the internet is generally .zip format, such as 456.zip. extract 456.zip and copy “456” folder. copy the “456” folder to wamp\www\test\wp-content\plugin. Then you can find the now plugin in the dashboard→ plugin.

Picture 10


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